Edinburgh, Scotland
I am a multi-disciplinary artist based in Edinburgh. My body of work includes productions for audiences of all ages, which use text, puppetry, aerial dance, physical theatre. I devise and create inter-disciplinary theatre productions, working predominantly as a performer but also have experience backstage in roles as stage manager and dramaturg.
I love telling stories. I love making audiences laugh, feel empathy for a fictional character, and giving them a story that allows them to escape from the real world for a moment. The work I am most interested in is based around societal themes and issues. I like to use the performance arts as a way to entertain, explore issues that are difficult to talk about, and inspire conversations that promote empathy and a more inclusive way of thinking.
I believe that the arts should be made available to everyone, regardless of socio-economic background. My practice is consistently evolving as I develop my storytelling methods, learning contemporary and traditional performance techniques, and educating myself on eco-friendly materials in puppet making.
Portfolio of behind the scenes, make, and promotional shots of Mr Holdcroft, by Jessica Innes, commissioned by Puppet... View More
Dance Trapeze routine. All or Nothing Aerial Dance Cabaret at Assembly Roxy... View More
Jessica Innes' Puppetry showreel.... View More
Commissioned by Puppet Animation Scotland... View More