www.puppeteersuk.com - PuppeteersUK
Puppetry Service Nenagh Watson in Loughborough England

Nenagh Watson

Barking Dog
Loughborough, England, LE11 1LL

Show Phone Number


  • Services 
  • Puppet Maker, Other Services, Teacher/Academic, Puppet Workshops 
  • Specialties 
  • Training, Marketing, Production, Therapy 
  • Member Of
    BPMTG BrUnima
    Audiences Catered For
    Adult only
    Suitable Venue
    Small < 40
    Target Audience
    Theatres/Art Centres
    Hands Off allowing the puppet to dictate its own movement.

    Fighting for puppetry as an art form for adults for over 40 years and still committed to widening its relevance and enjoyment for an adult audience.

    Supporting, inspiring and mentoring the next generation of professional puppeteers.

    Challenging in both form and content - pushing the boundaries of puppetry. AHRC Creative Research Fellow 2009-2015 Ephemeral Animation the animation of debris by the elements continues to be a major interest. So too is a feminist critic of Punch & Judy.

    Contact Information

    Barking Dog
    Email Address
    Social Media
    Phone Number
    Show Phone Number
    42 Rendell Street
    Loughborough, England, LE11 1LL
    United Kingdom